Canadian Zionist Federation
Fédération Sioniste Canadienne הפדרציה הציונית בקנדה
Canadian Zionist Federation
Connecting the Canadian Jewish Community with Israel
הפדרציה הציונית בקנדה
מחברים את הקהילה היהודית בקנדה לישראל
Fédération Sioniste Canadienne
Lier la communauté juive canadienne à l’Israël

Canadian Zionist Federation

The Canadian Zionist Federation provides Israel education and engagement programs to Jewish communities in Canada

The Canadian Zionist Federation is an umbrella organization of Zionist groups in Canada associated with the World Zionist Organization. The CZF strengthens the connection between Canadian Jews and Israel, through education programs, seminars and cultural events. The CZF strives to be a relevant and active address for Zionist activity throughout Canada, and particularly in smaller communities.

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Israel's News

Michal Herzog, the First Lady of Israel and CZF

"I have called Zionism once as an endless ideal, and I truly believe that even after we gain our land, Eretz Yisrael, it will not cease to be an ideal; for Zionism as I see it incorporates not only the aspiration to a plot of a promised land for our miserable people, but also an aspiration for a moral and spiritual wholeness."

– Theodore Herzl, Bifnei Am VeOlam

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